Optical Illusion/Perception Theory

Image result for optical illusion

On the 26th September, I was led to a theory lesson about optical illusions and ways we see things based upon our outlook which I gained a lot of information and knowledge in which has made me think twice about my personal view as a designer within the industry. One key pieces of information that has stuck with me is that when creating work, it is important to step back for a minute and think about what the influences of the design are and how it is going to be perceived by different audiences. To communicate a message to an audience you have to have an effective meaning and emotion behind the design and a sense of self awareness of where you stand within the community. If you have a sense of self awareness and decided to think twice about different things that you would normally just accept and move on, this helps inform the design you are creating and so makes easier problem solving. For example, if you were sat on a bus going down a busy town street looking out the window, you would notice all the people and what they are wearing and doing etc. along with the displays in shops windows and their advertisement but usually you would just accept the different factors you have just processed and then move on and usually forget what you saw later on unless it was something out of the ordinary or something memorable that stuck out to you. By taking ` step back and thinking twice about what you have seen and process it more you then are able to be more aware of the world around you and although this impossible to do 24/7, it does give you a greater understanding of the world, community and society we live in.


Naturally we filter things from around us otherwise we take in too much detail and become overwhelmed whereas babies and children are much more alert to the world around us and therefor to truly see the world around us we need to think more instead of just thinking the obvious. Understanding seeing and knowledge are the things that make up the idea that we just assume rather than looking at the world in detail.


When it comes to the actual biology of the eye in which we see things, it is made up of cone cells and rod cells. Cone cells are the part of the eye that allows you to see colour and detail within the world around you which is very important for day to day functions and the way we view and look at things. People who are colour blind usually have a defect within the production of cone cells within their eyes meaning they are damaged. The result this has on the individual is they are unable to differentiate between different colours and they are often received by the brain completely different to how they appear in day to day life. On the other hand, rod cells are what makes up our peripheral vision and this is what makes thing we can see in our corner of our eye more dramatic so it grabs our attention in case in our survival case we are in danger.

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